"I wanted someone who I could trust to guide me though the process of bringing my first book to life. Kelly was nothing short of amazing. Her edits and designs were spot on and her strong work ethic helped me meet my tight deadlines. If you're looking for a trusted partner to help create your book, you can't go past Kelly."
~ Laura Trotta

“Kelly provided fantastic structure and clarity for ‘The Guest Experience Map’ book. Her invaluable guidance early on improved both the flow of the book, and the value it delivered to the reader.”
~ Jesse Desjardins
“One of the most valuable investments I have made as a writer is having Kelly edit my work. Her eye for ‘what matters’ is extraordinary and she instinctively knows how to make a good piece great. Kelly’s editing forces me to examine my work in a way I could never do alone, and pushes me to be a better writer. Best of all, she does it with the most open heart and generous spirit. There’s nothing quite like the confidence that comes from knowing my work has had Kelly’s experienced eye across it.”
~ Felicity Crocker
“I’d put together a rough outline of my book and nearly started writing it. (As a subject matter expert I thought I knew what I should write.) But, just to be sure, I thought I’d have someone look over it. Boy, am I glad I had Kelly take a look before I went too far down the road! Kelly performed a developmental edit on my book, narrowed the target audience, reshaped the promise it was making, and helped me restructure it to deliver on that promise. Now I have confidence that my book will not only have better clarity for my readers, but deliver far more value than the concept I originally conceived of.”
~ Raj Jha
"As a contributor to Flying Solo, I had the absolute joy of working with Kelly Exeter on a monthly basis. While Kelly didn’t change my articles much, she often tweaked or changed my headline, and her changes always make the world of difference. I think what impressed me the most about Kelly was the time and energy she put into educating the team of Flying Solo writers through her Contributor Reports and group feedback. She always offered insightful tips and templates that helped us improve. She also provided useful analytics to help us see what was working well, and most importantly, why it was working. Finally, Kelly is a brilliant writer who offers honest feedback but not in a way that makes you want to fry up your heart and eat it with fava beans. She’s so friendly and approachable. I really loved working with her, and I’m sure you will too."
~ Lucinda Lions
"People often use ‘I couldn’t have done it without you’ as an empty platitude, but with my book it’s 100% true that I could not have completed my project without the wonderful Kelly Exeter. I highly recommend her to all authors, regardless of where you are in your book writing process."
~ Kate Toon
"Becoming a better writer is a gradual process, but Kelly makes that important piece of writing stand out today. She has shown me a formula for writing articles that get clicked, read, and shared a lot regardless of my writing ability."
~ Dave Gillen
"If you want to take your writing to the next level, Kelly is the one to do it. With tiny tweaks and touches she transforms my stream of consciousness to structured articles with snappy headlines. Highly recommended!"
~ Amanda Westphal
"I don’t profess to being a brilliant writer. I have the ideas but often not the skill in making my articles move from one to point to another, taking the reader on a logical journey. This is where Kelly comes in. She can always pinpoint exactly what it is I am trying to convey. She is excellent at simplifying my points, making my headlines stronger and getting my articles to the point. For me it’s not a question of ever been offended by the red pen. It’s a question of learning from someone who is a good at their job – an editor – and that’s what I like about Kelly and why I value her service. Ultimately she makes me a better writer."
~ Matt White
“In the legal industry, it's difficult to change the way you are taught to write. Kelly's patience and friendly manner taught me the skills to write in both a casual and engaging manner as well as organise the content to suit the audience. It is a pleasure to work with a professional like Kelly who knows the industry so well.”
~ Vanessa Emilio
“It's fascinating to see the changes between what I wrote initially and how it is now and great for me to bear those changes in mind when I write other things – putting in a structure that makes sense to the reader.”
~ Sharon Chisholm
“Thank you so much! I feel so much better having your feedback – also it's good to see your notes as to why you recommended those edits. That helps me understand writing structure more which is where I really struggle.”
~ Michaela Clark
“This year I set a goal to create great quality content. I’m pretty good at research and my writing is improving, but effective editing is elusive. I really wanted to streamline my writing, improve the structure and punch up my headlines and introductions, but wasn’t sure how.
Having a professional editor like Kelly return my posts with a metaphorical “red pen” has been brilliant. She has provided suggestions for better headlines, introductions and structure that are simple to implement and has added layers of polish to my writing.
Kelly, I’m hooked! I’m more than happy for you to use me as a reference to sing your praises far and wide.”
~ Cate Richards