So, you’re writing a non-fiction book and:
- You’re not sure if the ‘big idea’ of your book will resonate with the target market.
- You’re not sure if you’ve structured your book correctly to deliver a big payoff for the reader.
- You need accountability to get the book finished.
Here’s how I help people like you:
Developmental Editing
Think of this as a ‘North Star’ consultation for your book.
Why? Because you need something to guide the book writing process and this is it.
It’s not enough to have a ‘big idea’ you want to share with the world. You must also consider:
- Will it resonate with the intended market? (Are they ‘ready’ to hear it?)
- Can I access that market? (There’s no point having a big idea that will help real estate agents if you’re unable to get your book in front of those people.)
- Will writing a book for this market allow me to achieve my goals?
- Do I even know what my goals for this book are?
To find out more about this North Star consultation, click here.
Structural editing
It doesn’t matter how beautifully you write. If your book jumps all over the place and fails to take the reader on a logical journey, it won’t resonate or get traction. Which means your ‘big idea’ will never get the chance to spread.
To find out how structural editing involves, click here.
Book coaching
I’ve written five books and self-published four of them.
I’ve also designed and typeset 10 books, including my own. (Yes, I know. I have a very weird and unique skill set.)
I know what an ISBN is, and whether you need one. I know how to navigate Amazon’s CreateSpace and Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platforms. I know what kind of launch you’re going to be able to do based on your following, connections and timelines.
In short, I’m familiar with every step of the book writing and publishing process from idea conception right through to publication.
You can find out how I can coach you through the writing of your book here.
What people are saying
“Kelly provided fantastic structure and clarity for ‘The Guest Experience Map’ book. Her invaluable guidance early on improved both the flow of the book, and the value it delivered to the reader.”
Jesse Desjardins | Author of The Guest Experience Map
“Kelly was an integral part of my book writing process – from first flicker of an idea through to the finished product.
She helped me in four important ways.
- By providing a structural edit of my book outline – ensuring I had a strong narrative and didn’t stray from my core message.
- Coaching and encouraging me through that difficult first draft.
- Providing invaluable advice about the book production and publishing process.
- Typesetting and designing the internal pages of my book.
People often use ‘I couldn’t have done it without you’ as an empty platitude, but with my book it’s 100% true that I could not have completed my project without the wonderful Kelly Exeter.
I highly recommend Kelly to all writers, regardless of where you are in your book writing process.”
Kate Toon | Author of Confessions of a Misfit Entrepreneur
“I’d put together a rough outline of my book and nearly started writing it. (As a subject matter expert I thought I knew what I should write.) But, just to be sure, I thought I’d have someone look over it.
Boy, am I glad I had Kelly take a look before I went too far down the road!
Kelly performed a developmental edit on my book, narrowed the target audience, reshaped the promise it was making, and helped me restructure it to deliver on that promise.
Now I have confidence that my book will not only have better clarity for my readers, but deliver far more value than the concept I originally conceived of.”
Raj Jha | CEO of Practice Alchemy